Moon Jokes

Q: Did you hear about the great new restaurant on the moon?
A: The food is excellent, but there's no atmosphere.

What do you call a moon out of orbit?
A Lunatic!

Q: Why did the cow jump over the moon?
A: Because the farmer had cold hands!

Q: Did you hear about the bones they found on the moon?
A: It seems like the cow did not make it.

Q: What holds the moon up?
A: Moonbeams.

Q: How do you know when the moon is going broke?
A: When it's down to its last quarter.

Q: "Why does the Moon orbit the Earth?"
A: "To get to the other side?"

Q: What did the moon say to his therapist?
A: I'm just going through a phase.

Q: What do you call a clock on the moon?
A: A lunartick.

Q: How does a man on a moon get his haircut?
A: Eclipse it.

Q: What do you get when you take green cheese and divide its circumferenceby its diameter?
A: Moon pi.

Q: How does one astronaut on the moon tell another astronaut that he is sorry?
A: He Apollo-gises.

Q: What did Leann Rimes say to the lunar eclipse?
A: "You can't fight the moonlight!"

Q: What was the name of the first satellite to orbit the Earth?
A: The moon.

Q: What does Michael Jackson have in common with the NASA?
A: It's been decades since their first moon walk.

Q: What do moon peolple do when they get married?
A: They go off on their honeyearth!

Q: Why wasn't the moon hungry?
A: Because it was full!

Q: Why is an astronaut like a football player?
A: They both want touchdowns!

Q: Why haven't they sent a woman to the moon?
A: Because it doesn't need cleaning!

Q: Why did the moon burp?
A: Because it was full.

Two Blondes
Two blondes in Las Vegas were sitting on a bench talking ... and one blonde says to the other,
"Which do you think is farther away ... Florida or the moon?"
The other blonde turns and says "Hellooooooo, can you see Florida?"

Moon Landing
After the Americans went to the Moon, the Soviets announced that they would be sending a man to the Sun.
The engineers objected. "If you send a man to the Sun, he will burn up!"
"What do you think I am, stupid?" he replied. "We'll send him at night!"

Sun or Moon?
One Sunny afternoon, two blondes walk down the street.
One of them suddenly points at the sun and says: "Look! That's the moon over there!"
The other one says: "No, that's the sun!" The first one: No, it's the moon!"
The other one, again: No, it's the sun!" After arguing for a while, the "smart" one says: "Let's go to that house over there and ask, What's right!"
They go to the house and ring the door bell.
Another blonde opens the door. The "smart" one asks: "Excuse us, can you tell us, whether it"s the sun or the moon in the sky?"
The blonde looks and says: I wouldn't know! I've only been living here for two weeks!"

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