Bee Jokes

Q: Why did the bee get married?
A: Becase he found his honey

Q: What do you call a bears without ears?
A: B's

Q: What do you call a wasp?
A: A wanna-bee!

Q: What's a bees favorite novel?
A: The Great Gats-bee!

Q: What do you get if you cross a bee with a door bell?
A: A hum dinger!

Q: Who is the bees favorite singer?
A: Sting!

Q: Who is the bees favorite pop group?
A: The bee gees!

Q: What is a bee's favorite part of a relationship?
A: The Honeymoon period.

Q: What did the sushi say to the bee?
A: Wassabee!

Q: What do you call a bee that can't stop eating?
A: Chub-bee.

Q: What kind of bee is a sore loser?
A: a cryba-bee

Q: What singer is most popular for the bees?
A: Bee-yonce.

Q: Who protects the Queen Bee?
A: Her Hub-bee.

Q: How many bees do you need in a bee choir?
A: A humdred!

Q. What's the last thing to go through a bees mind when it hits your windshield?
A. Its bum.

Q: Why did the bee go to the barbershop?
A: To get a buzz-cut.

Q: What did one bee say to the Queen bee?
A: Your so bee-tiful! Will you bee my wife?

Q: What do you call a bee born in May?
A: A maybe!

Q: What kind of bee can't be understood?
A: A mumble bee!

Q: What does a Wasp say during an Identity Crisis?

Q: What do you call a bee that lives in America?

Q: Where do bees keep their money?
A: In a honey box!

Q: What do you get when you cross a race dog with a bumble bee?
A: a Greyhound Buzz.

Q: What is a bees favorite sport?
A: Rug-Bee.

Q: What TV station do bees watch?
A: Bee bee c one!

Q: What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?
A: Neigh buzz

Q: What did the bee say to the naughty bee?
A: Bee-hive yourself!

Q: Why did the bees go on strike?
A: Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers!

Q: What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk?
A: An animal that stinks and stings!

Q: How do you fight a killer bee?
A: With a Buzz-ooka.

Q: What does a queen bee do when she burps?
A: Issues a royal pardon!

Q: How do you propose to the queen bee?
A: With a Ru-Bee ring.

Q: Did you hear about the bee that was overweight?
A: It had chub-bee legs and a flab-bee stinger.

Q: How do you seduce a bee?
A: With a succu-buzz.

Q: How does a queen bee get around her hive?
A: She's throne!

Q: What do you call a bee that prefers nectar to pollen?
A: Snob-Bee.

Q: What does the bee Santa Claus say?
A: Ho hum hum!

Q: Why do bees hum?
A: Because they've forgotten the words!

Q: What kind of bees hum and drop things?
A: A fumble bee!

Q: What did the bee say to the flower?
A: Hello honey!

Q: What's a bees favorite flower?
A: A bee-gonias!

Q: What do you call a bee who single handedly defended the colony from a wasp attack?
A: Not to shab-bee.

Q: What did the confused bee say?
A: To bee or not to bee!

Q: What do you call a Bee who is having a bad hair day?
A: A Frisbee.

Q: What do bees do if they want to use public transport?
A: Wait at a buzz stop!

Q: What do you give a bee on the first day of class?
A: A Sylla-buzz.

Q: How does a bee get to class?
A: On the school-buzz.

Q: What is a bees favorite shape?
A: A Rhom-buzz, of course.

Q: Why do bees hummm?
A: They forget the words to the song.

Q: What do you call a bee explorer?
A: Christopher Colum-buzz.

Q: What do you call a bee you can't share secrets with?
A: a blab-bee.

Q: What's a bee-line?
A: The shortest distance between two buzz-stops!

Q: What is a baby bee?
A: A little humbug!

Q: What does a bee get at McDonalds?
A: A humburger!

Q: What buzzes, is black and yellow and goes along the bottom of the sea?
A: A bee in a submarine!

Q: What's more dangerous than being with a fool?
A: Fooling with a bee!

Q: What kind of animal kills a lot of people?
A: Hepatitis Bee.

Q: What did the spider say to the bee?
A: Your honey or your life!

Q: What did the bee say to the other bee when they landed on the same flower?
A: Buzz off.

Q: Who is a bee's favorite painter?
A: Pablo Beecasso!

Q: What did the bee to the other bee in summer?
A: Swarm here isn't it!

Q: What is a bee's favorite classical music composer?
A: Bee-thoven!

Q: Who writes books for little bees?
A: Bee-trix Potter!

Q: Why did Jimmy's parents scream when they saw his grades?
A: Because he had a bee on his report card

Q: Where do bees go on holiday?
A: Stingapore!

Q: What do you call bees buzzing in unison?
A: Stingalongs.

Q: what does a bee style his hair with?
A: a honeycomb

Q: What do you call a bee who's had a spell put on him?
A: He's bee-witched!

Q: Why do bees buzz?
A: Because they can't whistle!

Q: What letter make honey?
A: b

Q: Can bees fly in the rain?
A: Not without their little yellow jackets!

Q: Why did the bee started talking poetry?
A: He was waxing lyrical!

Q: What does Pooh Bear call his girl friend?
A: Hunny!

Q: What flies in the air and goes zub zub?
A: A bee flying backwords.

Q: What goes zzub, zzub?
A: A bee flying backwards!

Q: What are the cleverest bees?
A: Spelling bees!

Q: What bee is good for your health?
A: Vitamin bee!

If you want a pet bee, you must be called a wanna-bee.

A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a bumble bee sitting next to him.
"Are you a bumble bee?" asked the man, surprised.
"What are you doing at the movies?"
The bumble bee replied, "Well, I liked the book."

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